For example, Microsoft admitted recently that its free Security Essentials isn’t designed to offer more than baseline security. Although it’s free and backed by Microsoft, it doesn’t pass the test.
According to PCPro, Security Essentials badly flunked its product review. It also failed in independent testing by AV-Test, which found that Security Essentials missed 41% of threats.
Windows 8.1—hailed as the OS for small business—includes built-in security which doesn’t offer real-time updates, provides only base-level antivirus, and leads to a false sense of security.
On the other hand, enterprise options are expensive and complicated, and rarely designed with the small business market in mind.
So what’s a small business to do? Contact us for a free evaluation of your network security and antivirus needs. We’ll tell you where your systems are safe, where they’re not, and what you can do to make it better.
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