Support Center If you are not yet a client of Paradigm, please click here to use our contact form. If you are human, leave this field blank.Email *Enter your work email addressBriefly summarize the issue *Describe the issue in just a few words, e.g. "Firewall blocking legitimate website," "Production website was hacked," "Cannot access server from remote site," etc. Please don't use general words like "help," "problem," or "Bob's computer," as these do not help us understand or prioritize the issue.Detailed Description *Please describe the issue you are experiencing in detail. Please include any exact error messages you may have seen, when this happened, and what may have caused the issue. Also please specify exactly who is having the issue, and specifically what systems are affected. SubmitThe following fields are optional, but may help us in resolving your issue more quickly.File UploadAlso notifyAdditional email to notify on this ticket. This can be a colleague of yours or an alternate email for you.PhonePhone number where we can reach you to work this issue. If you leave this blank, we will call the number we have on file for your company. Captcha *reCAPTCHA is required.Submit